
Are You A Nonprofit Superstar?

Are you a nonprofit superstar?  You can prove your star status by being one of the first 50 people who sign up for one of our free eNewsletters will receive this trendy tote bag from The NonProfit Times.


We deliver five eNewsletters with three of those coming weekly: NPT Weekly, Instant Fundraising, and NPT Jobs. The other two — TechnoBuzz and Exempt — are delivered monthly and give readers up-to-the-minute news in the world of nonprofit technology and finance, respectively, as well as helpful tips to improve your organization. The other three weekly newsletters focus on management issues (NPT Weekly), fundraising and development (Instant Fundraising), and Jobs (NPT Jobs). We also plan to include instant polling in the coming months to further engage our audience.

Sign up today for this free, no obligation subscription and be the first one in your neighborhood to show off your nonprofit superstar status. This offer lasts for a week or until we get 50 subscribers.