
2019 Nonprofit Organizations Salary Report
Salary Report 2019

This report provides current salary information on 195 nonprofit positions from entry level to the executive office including base salary, bonus practices, total cash compensation, salary increases, employee turnover, and more.  * Includes detailed salary trend data for 2018.

To view a sample section of this reportClick Here

Get the most current information available about nonprofit salaries.  Order your copy of the nation’s most comprehensive salary report in the nonprofit sector.  The report presents the findings of the 2018 Nonprofit Organizations Salary and Benefits Survey with results from organizations employing 22,227 individuals throughout the U.S.A.

Multi-Level Salary Information

This report provides the latest and most complete salary information available on 195 nonprofit positions from entry level to the executive office including base salary, bonus practices, total cash compensation, salary increases, employee turnover, and more.  The salary data is presented at three different levels (by Position, by Job Family and by Organization) to provide a comprehensive view of pay practices at all levels of a nonprofit organization. To see the list of positions included in the reportClick Here.

Timely Salary Trend Data

The report tracks changes in ALL salary data from 2017 to 2018 to give the user a quick and simple way to identify critical shifts and potential marketplace trends.  Find out how base salaries, bonus pay and total cash compensation have changed for 195 positions. Includes trend data on many other key salary areas as well.

Key Benchmarking Information

Information is presented by multiple views to allow for fast and easy comparisons against relevant peer organizations by geographic location, operating budget and field of work.  This report provides detailed information on 27 job families and 195 nonprofit positions with key performance metrics that can be used to benchmark salary and compensation practices including:

    • Base Salary and Total Cash Compensation data with percentile rankings for each position
    • Bonus Pay practices including average payout, percentage receiving and organizations paying
    • Annual Salary Increases (prior and current year; executive and non-executive)
    • Employee Turnover and Average Tenure by position


  • Total compensation costs as a percentage of operating expenses


  • Employee profile data: number of full/part time; exempt vs. nonexempt