
‘Ask’ and ye shall receive, maybe

Individuals have their own styles about doing things, from the most public to the most personal.

During a national fundraising conference, Brian Saber, president of Asking Matters, said there are four distinct styles and that the success of an ask depends on the solicitor knowing his or her personal style. Usually, parts of each style exist in people, but usually one type dominates.

According to Saber, the four styles are:

  • Rainmaker. These people are extroverted, and they’re analytic rather than intuitive. They are fact based, goal oriented, strategic, competitive and driving people. Strengths: Eye on the prize, master of detail and strategic. Challenges: Rush to close, impatience and over-analyzing.
  • Go-Getter. Also extroverted, but intuitive rather than analytical. They are big picture, high-energy, creative, quick and engaging people. Strengths: Enthusiasm, energy and flexibility. Challenges: Steamrolling, not listening and a tendency to wait until the last minute.
  • Kindred Spirit. They are introverted and intuitive. They are feelings oriented, reserved, attentive, conflict-averse and caring people. Strengths: Listening skills, space for others, compassion and empathy. Challenges: Over-sensitivity, holding back from the conversation and hesitating to ask.
  • Mission Controller. They are introverted and analytic. They are detailed, thorough, methodical, responsible and observant people. Strengths: Powers of observation, follow-through and consistency. Weaknesses: Desire to be in control, tendency to judge and getting stuck in details.