
8 Bullet Points For Case Statements

The bottom line for a case statement is: the bottom line. Did it get the job done?

During the Bridge to Integrated Marketing Conference at National Harbor, Md., Jennifer Broome of Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and Suzanne Burrows of Bishop John T. Walker School for Boys (BWS) said that process is as important as the final case statement.

They emphasized the idea of engaging key stakeholders. They also highlighted the following:

  • Define the project. Campaign case or institutional case?;
  • Purpose. Campaign case: Why is XYZ organization/cause important? Institutional: Sustainability (broaden the base of support);
  • Community involvement. Find the storytellers: insiders, community, visionaries (founders, organization veterans, success stories);
  • Think through the case and outline: Paint the vision; Establish the organization’s track record; Outline the strategy; and, Make the ask;
  • Have a marketing concept. What will be done and how will the world be better once it is done?
  • Write: Emotion and passion; Testimonials and quotes; Compelling stories; and, Remember: “Blessed are the brief”;
  • Design. Keep in mind: Designer; Look and feel; Visual flow; White space; Anything other than text;’ and, Emphasis;
  • Share the case and make lots of money.