
4 steps in servicing a sponsorship

Every nonprofit wants to get a positive result from engaging in a sponsorship, but it pays to remember that the sponsor wants to feel good, too. A good feeling once one partnership ends could lead to another one.

During the recent AFP 50th International Conference on Fundraising, Shaun G. Lynch, president of Adventum Philanthropic Marketing in Quebec, Ontario, Canada, offered suggestions on how organizations can service their sponsors in such a way as to make them possible or even likely partners in future joint endeavors. Lynch recommended the following service points:

  • Clearly outline the objectives of the sponsoring organization. This will assist both the nonprofit and the sponsor in evaluating the sponsorship results.
  • Set lines of communication. Who from the organization will be involved in servicing the sponsorship? Who is the sponsor’s staff contact point?
  • Set evaluation mechanisms. Determine how the organization is going to evaluate whether the benchmarks have been met? Clearly outline the benefits package for each sponsor, and then ensure that all are delivered, and then some. Ensure that all artwork, marketing materials, etc. are approved by the sponsor with pre-agreed lead times.
  • Ensure that sponsors are on both the organization’s media distribution list and its VIP invitation list. Ensure they are invited to all key functions during the sponsorship term, even if they don’t relate directly to the project.