
Limited Time Nonprofit Times Newsletter Offer

Do you want in-depth features, breaking news, and invaluable how-to information delivered right to your mailbox every month? And do you want it for FREE? Simply by signing up for one of our eNewsletters, you will be eligible to receive a free 1-year subscription of The NonProfit Times!

Signing up for a free NPT eNewsletter is easy: Just click this link, choose which of the five eNewsletters you want to receive, and fill out your information. Once you click “submit” you will receive an email with a link you must click to confirm your subscription. After that, you will begin receiving emails from us on the next publishing date. Please make sure to enter in your mailing address so you can receive your free NPT print subscription.

Below is a list of our five eNewsletter options and their publishing schedule:

Look for a job, get current job updates & tips for job searching. For employers, get weekly specials for job posting and tips on finding the best people.

Frequency: Weekly, Wednesdays
NPT Weekly:

This newsletter addresses matters pertaining to all aspects of nonprofit management, fundraising, financial management, direct marketing, technology, legal issues and human resources.

Frequency: Weekly, Mondays
NPT Instant-Fundraising:

Geared towards keeping development officers and executive directors up to date with the latest fundraising developments. It offers news, tips and proven methods to fund organizations.

Frequency: Weekly, Tuesdays
NPT TechnoBuzz:

For CIOs, CFOs, IT Directors, Development Directors or staff that is responsible for the purchase and management of hardware and software at the nation’s nonprofit organizations

Frequency: Monthly, 2nd Thursday
NPT Exempt:

This financial newsletter focuses on areas such as asset management, planned giving, donor advised funds, banking, risk management, investments, insurance, trusts, financial software and technology.

Frequency: Monthly, 3rd Thursday

Those of you who sign up in the next two days will be automatically subscribed for a free year of The NonProfit Times print magazine, so sign up today to take advantage of this limited time offer! All eligible subscribers will be contacted on March 13 to confirm that they were selected to receive a free subscription.