
Index: Online Giving Up 10 Percent

Online giving was up more than 10 percent for the quarter ending in October while overall charitable giving nudged up more than 2 percent, compared to the same three-month period in 2010.

The latest Blackbaud Index of Charitable Giving, released today by the Charleston, S.C., fundraising firm, indicates overall giving was up 2.2 percent and online giving rose 10.6 percent.

Large organizations (those with annual revenue of more than $10 million) led the way, with a 3.5-percent spike in October, according to the latest Blackbaud Index of Charitable Giving was released today by the Charleston, S.C.-based fundraising firm. Small organizations (less than $1 million) were up 1.4 percent and medium organizations ($1 million to $10 million), were up 0.4 percent, compared to the same three-month period last year.

When it came to online giving, large organizations again were the leaders, up 16.6 percent, but followed closely by small nonprofits at 15.9 percent. Medium organizations reported a spike of 1.9 percent in online giving for the three months ending in October.

Only environmental/animal welfare (-4.2 percent) and healthcare organizations (-2.3 percent) saw a decline in overall giving for the quarter. Rising modestly was giving to arts and cultural organizations (3.7 percent) and human services organizations (6.2 percent), but giving to international affairs (29.4 percent) was far ahead of other subsectors. Online giving for each subsector was up, ranging from 6.2 percent (environmental and animal welfare) to 22.3 percent (human services).

The index reports overall giving trends of 1,264 nonprofits based in the United States, representing $2.56 billion in yearly giving. The online giving index is comprised of actual revenue data from 1,748 nonprofits, representing $424 million in yearly online giving.

The Blackbaud Index of Charitable Giving and The Blackbaud Index of Online Giving are updated on the 15th of each month and are based on a three-month moving average of year-over-year percent changes in U.S.-based charitable giving.