
Timing just might be everything

Labor Day marked the unofficial end of summer. For nonprofits managers, it should be a reminder that to shift into high gear your year-end fundraising campaign because you’re already behind.

Peter Genuardi, founder of Strength in Members, a Boulder, Colo.-based marketing agency, offered a few things to consider during a panel session at the DMA Nonprofit Federation’s annual New York City conference in August:

  • Start with a well-articulated theme: Don’t settle for something week. Consider how do you give people a sense of ownership or investment in the cause? Is the theme consistent with the organization’s branding today and in the future?
  • Create rich, personal compelling donation experience. As you consider donation forms of year-end campaigns, consider how can you inspire action with a minimal investment?
  • Can the donation platform offer the flexibility you need to pull this off? Would you donate to that form?
  • Coordinate creative across media, with a look and feel that’s the same across email, social pieces, giving forms and direct mail.
  • Establish a calendar as you consider coordination of your creative and production schedule.
  • Appoint a campaign leader. It doesn’t have to be the most senior leader of the team and it’s actually probably best if it’s not, Genuardi said, but it’s the person “with the badge and the gun.”