
5 Unique Elements For Outcome Goals

Reaching goals is usually a good thing, but even setting or having goals can be beneficial, providing us with something to which we can aspire.

Although goal setting is usually looked upon as a universally good thing, they can entail problems if not undertaken well.

In her book “Networking for People Who Hate Networking, ” Devora Zack presents the concept of outcome goals, which are more challenging but offer better results by being more specific.

Zack writes that outcome goals comprise five unique elements that set the path for lasting success.

* Positive. State goals in the positive. People can work toward desired goals but not away from undesirable ones. (“I will attend at least two networking events in the next six months,” not “I am going to stop avoiding networking functions.”)

* Control. A reasonably formed goal is within control. A poorly formed goal requires either changes to others’ fundamental personalities, acts of nature or a significant effort from others.

* Context. An outcome goal is of the appropriate size and scope. This means it is written to maximize motivation and effort.

* Ecological. This means thinking of an individual life as its own ecosystem. To be harmonious a goal must complement, not compete with, other important components of an individual’s life.

* Measurable. This means “not vague.” Think, what is a sensory-based, testable description of an outcome?