
Episode 2: Nonprofit Digital Teams + Baby Boomer Retirements

Digital leaders on senior nonprofit management teams can make a huge difference. So why doesn’t every organization do it? That’s part of the discussion with Jason Mogus, principal strategist at NetChange Consulting, and Austen Levihn-Coon, digital organizing director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. They surveyed 80 advocacy organizations about their digital teams and programs. Some of the results may surprise you and there are a few new trends since the 2014 results. Their report, “Digital Teams in 2018: The new landscape of digital engagement,” can be found here.

Ten thousand Baby Boomers a day are turning 65. What’s that mean for the leadership of the nonprofit sector? Peggy Morrison Outon and Carrie Tancraitor of the Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management at Robert Morris University discuss the implications for the Pittsburgh region and beyond and what the nonprofits can do to brace for the future. Their study, “What Now? How will the impending retirement of nonprofit leaders change the sector?”, can be found here.

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