
9 ways to jumpstart your program

Planned giving, as important as it is, can feel like an inert piece of machinery – very large machinery – when it needs to be restarted. Getting the thing moving looks like an impossible task. It does not need to be that way, however.

Matt J. Beem, president and CEO of Hartsook Companies, offers nine tips for jumpstarting a planned giving program.

  • Update the organization’s planned giving commitment file. Schedule appointments with each person in the file.
  • Begin each meeting by thanking the donor for past support.
  • Share an insider’s briefing. This is another form of individual attention.
  • Schedule visits with those who have requested additional information shortly after the event to continue nurturing their philanthropic relationship with the organization.
  • Create a special group for those who have the remembered the organization in their estate planning.
  • Invite members of the charter class to attend a dedication of the society. List their names in a permanent display ore recognition area.
  • Celebrate every year. Begin laying the groundwork for next year’s planned giving class induction.
  • Remember the importance of ownership in seeking to jumpstart an organization’s planned giving program. Staff and volunteers must be committed to growth.
  • Remember that it is important to take time to celebrate. Don’t just grind along without stopping to enjoy the fruits of everyone’s labor.