
9 reasons leaders must have discipline

Leadership isn’t always about being liked, and in fact many successful leaders would never come close to winning the Miss/Mr. Congeniality trophy.

Still, a leader’s attitudes toward underlings can have a big effect on their morale, which can in turn affect efficiency or even job retention.

In his book “The Disciplined Leader,” John Manning cautions that a boss who is seen as arrogant can cause a toxic effect throughout an organization. Some potential leaders, he writes, find inconceivable the notion that they might not know all the answers to their or their organization’s problems.

Success is important, yes, but arrogance can damage reputations and cause lasting harm. Manning wrote that arrogance translates into someone who:

Doesn’t invite, listen to and value others’ ideas and opinions;

Thinks and regularly communicates that his/her way is always the best or only way;

Uses lots of “me” and “I” vs. “you” and “we” language;

Acts entitled, such as always going first or making it clear that the person is deserving of the best;

Makes overbearing, presumptuous decisions or statements;

Takes an anti-teamwork approach;

Seems to have a lot of unexplained enemies;

The person imposes their will on others; and,

Provides a great deal of unsolicited, unwanted “advice.”