
7 ways of redesigning fundraisers

Refusals. Being cut off in the middle of a conversation/phone call. Insults. And, with all that, pressure from above to show even better results.

Yes, what could be better than the job of a nonprofit fundraiser?

During the AFP International Fundraising Conference, the plight of fundraisers was raised, as was the plight of nonprofit organizations. For example, studies show that organizations incur direct and indirect costs of more than $127,000 to replace a departing fundraiser. So, whether a fundraiser’s departure is positive (for the individual and the organization) or negative (for the individual or the organization) or 50-50, losing one can mean a costly and difficult process to find someone new.

One method of dealing with this problem is the McKinsey 7-S Model, which is aimed at keeping people longer and keeping them happy as long as they are employed. The model involves the following:

  • Adopt shared values. These are the core or fundamental values widely shared in the organization that serve as guiding principles of what is important.
  • Assume a values-driven leadership style. Style affects the norms people follow and how they work.
  • Access and adjust organizational structure. This involves the way in which tasks and people are specialized and divided and authority is distributed.
  • Agree to realistic fundraising strategies. Not the goals, the strategies for achieving them.
  • Attain fair systems. These are the formal processes and procedures used to manage the organization.
  • Acquire and assign qualified people.
  • Agree to professional development.