
10 Steps To Launching A Crowdfunding Campaign

Sometimes fundraising is a matter of matching the call for help with a segment of the population willing to answer the call. For a growing number of nonprofits, especially smaller ones or startups, crowdsourcing is a smart way to bring in financial support.

During the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) International Fundraising Conference, Darian Rodriguez Heyman presented a step-by-step approach to launch a crowdfunding campaign:

* Step 1. Pick a smart goal. Examples: $20 thousand, by May 1, a playground for 647 kids.

* Step 2. Map donations to impact. Think incrementally.

* Step 3. Pick a platform. There are many, so look around.

* Step 4. Plan ahead. Pick an editorial calendar. Who: Author. What: Focus/Content, Media. Where: Platform. When: By date and time. Decide when to post (use scheduling tools). Ask questions. Tag everyone.

* Step 5. Upload content.

* Step 6. Start with the inner circle (aka seeding the tip jar). Staff, board, key influencers. Then, volunteers, friends. Finally, donors, the organization’s social network.

* Step 7. Make the DONATE button shine. Three tweaks: Donate, Gift String, Impact.

* Step 8. Promote the campaign.

* Step 9. Data vs. Gut. Fail fast, fail forward.

* Step 10. Celebrate. Share milestones across all channels. Thank donors. Document impact. Declare victory.