
CEO Salaries At Nonprofit Hospitals Jumped 93%

It’s a great time to be chief executive at a nonprofit hospital. Their salaries are up 93 percent. That according to a study in Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research.

Average inflation-adjusted salaries for CEOs went from $1.6 million in 2005 to $3.1 million in 2015, the most recent statistics available.

Wage increase for others in the system were nowhere near as close, according to the report. Orthopedic surgeons had a 26 percent gain while pediatricians’ compensation increased 15 percent and nurses just three percent.

In 2017, 84 of the largest nonprofit systems had total annual revenue and surplus of $535.5 billion and $14.4 billion. That’s a 2.7 percent operating surplus margin, according to Axios.